Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Stay Positive

So recently i got to thinking, i am in general a glass half full positive person. However i am aware i can easily be lead down a negative path by others. For example if my single friends are depressed and complaining about being single i get swept up in it all and start complaining myself and looking at my life as empty, even though when i really think about it i am totally happy being single i embrace it even.

Its becoming more and more clear to me as I'm discovering who i am as a person that i need to keep these negative people at arms length. Now don't get my wrong all of us need a good rant about life every now and again, but I'm talking about the people that NEVER see the positive side to anything, people who take every opportunity to complain about this or that.

I make a conscious decision everyday to "choose happy" a concept i came upon from one of my favourite youtubers ShayCarl.

One of my favourite things about myself is that i always see the silver lining. I never let anything keep me down for too long. I can turn a negative situation into motivation. Its not always easy but the way i see it is one minute spent winging and complaining is one less minute of happiness.

Now before i get to philosophical, the point of me writing this post was just to say, I will no longer allow negative people to suck my energy. Surrounding myself with positive influences will help me achieve my goals.

For too long i have allowed negative people to influence my thoughts and make me believe i have no chance of achieving what i want.

If you feel you are living a negative life STOP. Now is the time for change. Happiness really is a choice.

I post positive messages on my facebook, instagram and twitter daily. Come check them out and start living with your glass half full.

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Friday, 8 February 2013

Stepping out of the Shadows

Sometimes in my life i have felt totally alone, there may have been people around me but non of them really "got" me. It seemed like everything i wanted to achieve or how i was living my life wasn't good enough for anyone. If its not how they would choose to live or not something they believe in then i shouldn't want to be that way either.

Society and even at times my friends and family have made me feel like i need to change the fundamental person that i am. I have been made to feel like its not OK to be happy the way i am, its not how the majority looks/acts/lives so i must dislike myself for it and am not aloud to be happy till i am completely changed. I feel in fact that a lot of that "majority" would love to live there lives a little different, to live out in the open with whatever little secrets they feel they need to hide from the world, to have the superficial pressure taken off.

I am one of those people that can not hide myself in the shadows anymore. I will live my life exactly how i choose. I will dream as big as my imagination lets me, and i refuse to allow people to make me believe i can not achieve everything i want. I believe everyone has the potential to be absolutely anything they want to be, all you need is self belief and the determination to work as long and hard as it takes.

I now feel completely free to look exactly they way i am happy with, I will not apologise if my body shape offends you, for being confident in my sexuality as a strong woman or wearing something you deem inappropriate. Like the saying goes i will dance like nobody is watching, love like i have never been hurt, sing like nobody is listening and live like its my last day.

We only have one life and it goes past quicker than we can imagine, i really don't want to waste it living my life for someone else?

I will ignore the judgement and ignore the hate its says more about them then it does about me.

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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

I'm Just a Fat human

I love what this says. It does puzzle me sometimes that “fat” people are put into a different category, like we arnt the same as the rest of “normal” socity, and like “fat admirers” have to “come out the closet” that’s all just craziness to me how is liking someone of bigger proportions different to say liking blondes?

I sometimes think people feel this way because they like being the victim, but then i look around me and talk to other plus size girls and hear horror stories about abuse on the streets and other such issues.

I wish we could live in a world where people are just people being gay, bi, tall, short, fat, thin, ginger, or anything thing else wasn’t a pre-deciding factor to how we are treated.

It should come down to the type or person you choose to be.
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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Work in progress

Hey guys,

So my blog is still defiantly a work in progress, I'm still figuring out my place in the big wide blogger world.

One of my New Years resolutions was to put more effort into this blog. I put a lot of time into setting it all up and i really do love blogging when i get down to it. I am however the worlds biggest procrastinator. I constantly think about what to write on here but never end up sitting down to do it.

I have decided from now on i will just write about what is on my mind, and try not to be intimidated by all the other amazing blogs out there. I am unique and so my blog should be as well.

I will still do some of the stuff i have written before but i also want this to be a little online memoir for myself.

I am also a Youtuber and maybe find it easier to talk to a camera than to write things down, i want to be good at both things, so i will be working on that here. (Jeez i feel like I'm rambling alot) I want my youtube and my blog to tie in  together.

I will continue to work on this and hopefully this means i will improve.

Thanks for reading

Katie J

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